Everywhere you turn there is a screen, in our homes, offices and cars — nearly everywhere. Smartphones, TV and Gaming systems are all great things to have, but again ask yourself how much time do you or your family spent on them rather your wellness. Every second spent on a device is one less moment in your life that you would have otherwise allocated to something else or on your wellness, whether it be with people, hobbies or activities. Basically time away from places and things where being present really matters.
Most everyone I talk to seems to feel an emptiness—something missing that they long for. This can allow for time to connect with friends and family, or engage in a hobby like reading a book — whatever the case may be that allows you to experience different parts of reality more fully for your inner wellness. These bonds help to create a relief from stress, anxiety and even depression. Life is going on around us — and maybe setting down devices will help to experience it more completely and more focused on self wellness.
5 key reasons to limit your screen time:
1. Better Physical Health
Spending way too much time in front of screens can also contribute to a decrease in physical activity and sleep. Limited Physical Activity (if you stop, even reduce doing this what would happen?):
• Preventing illnesses related to weight obesity, type 2 Diabetes and heart disease — less screen time.
• Increased exercise options: Encouraging movement during free periods helps maintain fitness and wellness.
• Better sleep: Many people — kids and adults alike — tend to sleep better when they reduce their screen time, particularly before bed.
• Eating Mindfully: If you watch TV while eating, you may end up snacking more than expected. One of the best ways to tell when you are full is by focusing on your meals without distractions.
2. Have Fun and Be More Creative
More screen time leaves less room for new activities. And curiosity and creativity (for both children as well as adults):
• Outdoor adventure: go for a walk, bike ride, out to a local park or nature trail.
• Crafts, Reading or Play: and it is still going to be as much fun as screens.
• Exploring new things allows a person to change it up every once in awhile, find what they are passionate about and keeps their mind sharp.
3. Stronger Relationships
• Screens can draw us away from the people near us. Presence creates stronger connection
• More family time: Turning off your phone fosters you to communicate with kids and or a partner providing for better advances relations.
• Greater capacity for empathy: Kids who spend less time on devices can read facial expressions and nonverbal cues better, research suggests.
• Reduce background noise: Even having the TV running in the background can take away from quality conversations or time with family members.
4. Improved Mental Health and Attitude
• Engaging in activities you truly enjoy will put a smile on your face and add to the happy direction of your life.
• One thing that will make you feel automatically more accomplished is taking some time for yourself and doing something in the outdoors.
• Enhanced focus: Lowering screen time specifically exposure to violent games, allows children have a better concentration and less behavioral problems.
• Improved social engagement: Instead of withdrawing in low times with eyes glued to screens, spend more time developing engaging relationships.
5. Developing Community and Connectivity Commit to Human identity
• Besides if you are emotionally well for good health it is common sense that feeling connected with others contribute to this, so reducing screen time less people can wander off too.
• Family meals matter: Families who eat together without electronics are generally healthier and more closely knit. Children from these families also perform better in school.
• Join in: Instead of screen time try volunteering, community events or team/travel sports/religious based activities.
• Community: Social support can help you get through tough times and manage stress.
Even though technology is capable of facilitating ease, an excess of screen time will likely numb human connection and isolate you from the experiences that matter most. Your screens won’t talk back to you (at least not in a good way) and, btw., they will still be there when your distraction break ends. So why not give it a go and see for yourself?